Winning Against Hopelessness (testimonial from Alejandro Naul)

The Price of Positive Outlook (testimonial from Mae Yap)



Mae Yap, 56, is a survivor of her own fate. Since birth she had bronchial asthma that bothered her for a while. In 2000, upon her doctor’s recommendation, Ms. Yap decided to undergo medical workup because of her swollen womb. The result was Uterine Myoma, but “fortunately it was negative of cancer,” she says.

But in 2003, she noticed that the swelling came back again. This proved to be a serious case when “a piece of skin tissue was sloughed off from my breast,” Ms. Yap recalls. She consulted a specialist at the Philippine General Hospital. But this time the results were grim: She is suffering from Stage III Breast Cancer.

This is no ordinary story. Hearing the terrible news of her fate, Ms. Yap should be sulking, but she chose not to. She went on to get an operation in Singapore General Hospital. She was advised to undergo chemotherapy and radiation to fully recover.

Ever the optimistic, Ms. Yap used Reishi Gano and Ganocelium capsules, Spirulina Candy, and Morinzhi as food supplement. “I survived those days by drinking dissolved RG/GL, to be taken within 72 hours, even if I’m still in pain,” Ms. Yap says.

“I was bedridden and had Alcopecia; my hair started to fall out and used Ganozhi Shampoo,” Ms. Yap recalls. It wasn’t long until her hair went right back and grew steadily, just as her condition improved. “Just after a week of taking all DXN products, I was able to stand up alone and eat regularly on time,” she says.

A year after her operation, her continuous battle for survival is transcended to inspiring others with similar fate. “I am now a cancer survivor and a member of Cancer Survivors Association in Northern Mindanao Medical Center in Cagayan de Oro City, Misamiz Oriental,” she shares. This endeavor has taught her that despite the trials, there is hope in every end of it; what is needed is the belief on every possibility and strength to face challenges with faith and optimism.

DXN Aquazeon - A Full step-by-step Installation Guide

DXN Aquazeon Energy Water System is a 5-stage filtration water system made of the best selected quality materials to solve most water quality problems. It is a perfect water system to purify, energize, anti-oxidize and magnetize water. It effectively removes 99.99% of waterborne disease causing bacteria and viruses in drinking water. With DXN AquazeonTM Energy Water System, the taste, odour and clarity of water are significantly improved. It ensures the fulfillment of a water filtration system for your maximum satisfaction.

Testimonial for DXN Aloe. V Series /德信Aloe.V系列产品见证/ Testimoni daripada pengguna Siri Penjagaan Aloe-V DXN (3)

“My skin pores size were large. The skin surface was rough and dull. DXN's Aloe. V skin care series is amazing! It refines the pores size and my skin become smoother, brighter and firmer.”

“之前,我的肌肤毛孔显得粗大,肌肤表面也粗糙且暗淡无光。如今,我脸部的毛孔已变得细致, 肌肤也更光滑、白皙及紧致。德信Aloe.V系列实在太棒了。”

"Sebelum ini liang roma kulit muka saya sangat besar. Permukaan kulit muka juga agak kasar dan tidak bermaya. Siri Penjagaan Aloe-V DXN sungguh  mengagumkan! Ia mengecilkan semula liang roma kulit muka saya dan menjadikan kulit saya lebih lembut, licin dan berseri."

46 yrs old / 四十六岁 / 46 tahun,
Combination skin type / 混合性肌肤 / Kulit Kombinasi

Testimonial for DXN Aloe. V Series /德信Aloe.V系列产品见证/ Testimoni daripada pengguna Siri Penjagaan Aloe-V DXN (2)

“In just 2 months, my skin feels more moisturized and hydrated. The skin oily condition is under controlled. In addition, the product price is reasonable and affordable.”

“在短短的两个月内,我的肌肤得到滋润且富 有光泽,肌肤的油性状况也受到控制。更重要 的是这产品的价格非常公道及大众化。”

"Dalam masa dua bulan sahaja, saya dapat merasakan kelembapan dan kehidratan pada kulit saya. Keadaan kulit muka yang berminyak juga dapat dikawal. Tambahan pula, harga produk ini berpatutan dan mampu dimiliki."

33 yrs old / 三十三岁 / 33 tahun
Oily skin type / 油性肌肤 / Kulit Berminyak

Testimonial for DXN Aloe. V Series /德信Aloe.V系列产品见证/ Testimoni daripada pengguna Siri Penjagaan Aloe-V DXN (1)

“After using DXN Aloe. V skin care in just a month, my skin become brighter and firmer.”

使用了德信Aloe.V系列一个月后,我的肌肤有了显著的改 善,肌肤变得更亮白和结实。”

"Selepas sebulan menggunakan Siri Penjagaan Aloe-V DXN, kulit saya menjadi lebih cerah dan tegang."

35 yrs old / 三十五岁/ 35 tahun
Oily skin type / 油性肌肤/Kulit Berminyak

The Pain Underneath (testimonial from Rosie Joring)

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A Chance of a New Life (testimonial from Emma Siobal)

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Disclaimer: The information contained on should not be used to alter, or used as a substitute for medical therapy without your doctor's advice. For some specific health problems consult your doctor for advice and guidance.

