Stroke. What does it mean? Blood flow blockage or brain attacks? Stroke is usually defined as two types:

 - Ischemic (caused by a blockage in an artery )
 - Hemorrhagic (caused by a tear in the wall of the artery that produces bleeding in the brain ) 

A disruption in blood flow to the brain is the primary cause of a stroke. It can be disastrous and cause brain damage or even death. Our brain receives about 25% of the body's oxygen but it cannot store it. Brain cells require a constant supply of oxygen to stay healthy and function properly. Therefore, within minutes of a stroke, oxygen is cut off in the brain leading to death of brain cells . This also leads to some parts of the brain losing control over the activity of some parts of the body, resulting in temporary or permanent disability or paralysis.
The following complications could arise and may need continued medical cares :
  1. Urinary incontinence and urinary infection
  2. Cramp
  3. Falls, usually to the affected side
  4. Reduced blood supply to the brain may result in confusion and speech disturbances.
    What are the symptoms of a stroke ???

    People at risk or partners of people at risk for stroke should be aware of the general symptoms and the victim should get to the hospital as soon as possible after these warning signs appear. Some include the following:

     - Headache in the back of the head
     - Dizziness
     - Nausea and vomiting
     - Inability to speak clearly
     - Weakness in the arms and legs
     - Tingling or numbness in the mouth, cheeks or gums

    What are the risk factors for a stroke ???

     - SMOKING - people who smoke have higher risk to get stroke than nonsmokers
     - HEART DISEASE - heart disease and stroke are closely related for many reasons. They often have common risk factors.
      - STRESS - mental and emotional factors (stress and depression) have also been linked as a higher risk for having stroke.
      - AGE - people most at risk for stroke are older adults particularly those with high blood pressure, overweight, smoke or have diabetes.
      - SLEEP APNEA - which may contribute to the narrowing of the carotid artery, appears to increase the risk for stroke.
      - ATHEROSCLEROSIS - hardening of the arteries.

    Source: DXN Life , Volumn 17

    Ganoderma & Heart

    Compiled by:
    Dr.S. Ranjan, MD,. DM (Cardiology)
    Education and Background:

    MBBS, MD in General Medicine, DM (Cardiology) of Madras Medical College, Post Doctoral Teacher in Cardiology for 17 Years, Personal Physician and Cardiologist to Former Honourable Presidents of India.
    Ganoderma and Heart
    Once thought to be the source of feelings of love and emotion, the heart is actually the powerhouse of the circulatory system. Rhythmic contractions of this muscular pump push blood along the blood vessels to all parts of the body, even to its far extremities, and back to the heart again. The beating heart ensures that every cell of the body has an uninterrupted supply of food, oxygen, and other essentials. So powerful is the heart that it can pump the body´s entire blood volume of 5 litres (8.8 pints) around the body once every minute. On average, it beats, or pumps, 70 times a minute when the body is at rest, yet can increase this rate if the body is active. Over a lifetime of 70 years, the heart beats some 2.5 billion times without tiring or stopping for a rest, thanks to the cardiac muscle and its walls.

    Heart Problems: Unseen inside the chest, the heart is taken for granted until something goes wrong. A common cause of heart problems is the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, which provide heart muscle with oxygen, a condition known as "Coronary Artery Disease". Its main symptom is chest pain, noticed during stress or exercise when extra demands are put on the heart. The chances of developing this problem are increased by smoking, high blood pressure, high-fat diet, obesity, and inactivity.

    Reishi or Ganoderma lucidum is a very powerful herb and it has been used for more than 5000 years for its medicinal effects. It has more than 200 active ingredients which makes it unique in its positive effect on health.

    The important effects on the heart are due to its triterpene compounds. The triterpenes give Reishi an adoptogenic quality, providing the person with protection from a wide range of biological, environmental, and social stresses. They have a kind of harmonizing effects on the body. These harmonizing effects are in the immune system as well as the circulatory system.

    Anti-Oxidant effect: Reishi, being a powerful anti-oxidant helps to scavenge the free radicals which are injurious to cells. Consumption of Reishi can help in the prevention of heart diseases, especially heart attacks by its powerful antioxidant effects. It has been proved to reduce cholesterol levels.

    Antiplatelet Effect: Reishi contains Adenosine which is a platelet inhibitor. This action is due to the activation of phospholipase. This antiplatelet effect prevents clot formation, regularizes blood flow in the blood vessels, especially in the micro-circulation, thereby preventing heart attack.

    ACE inhibition-Lanostane triterpenes with ACE inhibiting effects have been identified in Ganoderma. Ganoderic acid F exhibited the highest effect. This effect lowers and normalizes the blood pressure and helps to reduce the load on the heart and improve pumping function, especially in a failing heart.

    Vasodilator effect: Adenosine is a powerful vasodilator and it improves the blood supply and oxygen delivery to various organs. By improving the oxygen supply to the heart, Reishi is useful in preventing Coronory Artery disease and helps to overcome angina.

    The ability of Reishi to calm the body and regulate its energy seems to be the key to its effect on blood pressure, the immune system, and ultimately how long that system will last.

    I would say that



    Source: DXN Life , Volumn 17

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