Testimonial From India (5)

AGE:            63
Address:    COIMBATORE, Tamilnadu, INDIA
Diagnosis: Long time severe cough, Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart attack

Case History
Long time severe cough, Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart attack

I have been suffering from severe dry cough for the past 33 years. Doctors prescribed medicines and injections. For 3 or 4 months it was all right, again I suffered from the same. But when I began to take DXN Capsules, from 3rd day onwards, I am really happy to say that all the deposited mucus was discharged from my lungs and I felt free from the long time dry cough.

I have been suffering from Hypertension (High BP) since 1989. Before consumption of RG & GL capsules, my BP level was 130/90. After consuming RG & GL, it was reduced to 120/80.

Really, DXN Capsules is effective for both systolic and diastolic pressure. Only recently it has been diagnosed that I have blood sugar and urine sugar during my eye examination at Aravind Hospital in March, 1999. My blood sugar level was 130 mg and my urine sugar was (3+) After consumption of RG & GL for the last 50 days, my blood sugar level is 90 mg and urine sugar is nil.

Present Position
My nervousness is controlled and I feel conformable and energetic. My relatives are wonder struck on my speedy and they all are now my DXN Members. Thanks to Ganoderma and Dr.Lim Siow Jin.

Treatment Given
I was admitted in Kuppuswamy Naidu Hospital for my sudden heart attack on 22.08.1999. The result was TRIPLE VESSEL DISEASE, SEVERE LV DISFUNCTION, MILD MITRAL REGURGITATION and recommended to assess viable myocardium.

I was discharged from the hospital on 01.09.1999 with an advice to undergo an open heart surgery. as instructed in Ganotheraphy, I used to take a few allopathic medicines along with Ganoderma. After 50 days of consumption of RG & GL, I felt very happy that the fat accumulated in the blood vessels has been removed and my heart has completely recovered from the illness.

Membership No: 9001142


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